What is Activated Carbon Mercury Catalyst

December 23, 2021
Activated carbon mercury catalyst is a catalyst activated carbon, usually used in the synthesis process of PVC raw materials, this blog will talk about what is activated carbon mercury catalyst, its uses, characteristics, etc.

Activated carbon mercury catalyst is widely used in thesynthesis of PVC raw material. Without the application of activated carbonmercury catalyst, the cost of PVC raw materials will be greatly increased,which will directly cause the higher price of PVC, and directly affect thescope of PVC usage.

What is PVC?

PVC is one of the five general-purpose plastics, and itsproducts are widely used in soft products such as packaging plastics,artificial leather, plastic products, and hard products such as pipes andplates.

In modern chemical production, more than 90% of the reactionprocesses require the participation of catalysts (commonly known as catalysts).

What is a catalyst?

The catalyst is a substance that can change the chemicalreaction rate ( increase or decrease) of the reactants in a chemical reactionwithout changing the chemical balance, and its quality and chemical propertieshave not changed before and after the chemical reaction.

What is the catalyst for the synthesis of vinyl chloride?

The mercuric chloride catalyst was prepared by using theselected imported coconut shell activated carbon as the carrier and mercuricchloride as the main active component. The mercuric chloride catalyst supportedby the activated carbon and the single metal mercury as the carrier wasprepared by the special impregnation method.

Catalyst for the synthesis of vinyl chloride features:

  • Large active specific surface area
  • High conversion rate of vinyl chloride
  • The temperature of the reaction bed is uniform and stable
  • Strong anti-toxic ability, small loss of mercury chloride,low consumption
  • Low packing density

Application of mercury catalyst

For PVC production, there are two main methods, that is, ethylenemethod and calcium carbide method. my country mainly adopts calcium carbidemethod PVC.

In the production of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) by the calciumcarbide method, activated carbon is used as a carrier to obtain mercurychloride contacting coal. Mercury chloride catalysts are used in organicsynthesis reactions as catalysts in the process of synthesizing vinyl chloride(VCM) from acetylene and hydrogen chloride.

Under the synthesis reaction conditions, the sublimation ofmercury chloride is carried out of the synthesis reactor by VCM, and enters thesubsequent purification system; it passes through the activated carbon mercuryremover, acid washing tower, water washing tower, and alkali washing tower, andthen enters the VCM distillation and polymerization device after drying.

Selecting the right carrier activated carbon supplier

Zhulin is professional activated carbon mercury catalyst manufacturers, which has servced a lot of clients and has solved to reduce PVCproduction costs.

Formore information about the catalyst for the synthesis of vinyl chloride,call +86-19949132731 or click here to contact us.

Hello, we are Zhulin Activated Carbon Company, and we have been in this field for more than 20 years. If you want to wholesale activated carbon or related products, please feel free to ask me any questions.
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